Freedom Bus (Engl)

FB_Plakat__252.jpg Documentary by Fatima Abdollahyan, Germany 2014
Running Time: 91 Min. | Language: Arab/English/German
Subtitles: English/Arab | Für deutsche Untertitel bitte hier!
Territories: World
Stream: MP4 HD (720) | Price: 2,90 Euro

After nearly 5000 years of pharaonic rule, the Egpytian people finally get their chance of free elections in 2011. Ashraf El Sharkawy, 39, knows Egypt only from his summer holidays. Driven by the urge to give something back to his ancestor‘s country, Ashraf returns to Egypt to start a democratization campaign called „Freedom Bus“



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Watch the trailer:

DocCollection 12
Documentary by Fatima Abdollahyan, 91 Min., Germany 2014

How can democratic thinking be established in a country that has never experienced it before?
After nearly 5000 years of pharaonic rule, the Egpytian people finally get their chance of free elections in 2011. Ashraf El Sharkawy, 39, knows Egypt only from his summer holidays. Born and raised in Germany to Egyptian parents he has become a successfull manager for the largest insurance company in the world when the revolution on Tahrir-Square unfolds and Ashraf hears his call.
Driven by the urge to give something back to his ancestor‘s country, Ashraf returns to Egypt to start a democratization campaign called „Freedom Bus“. But suspicion is rooted deeply in the minds of the people when the „foreigner“ and „liberal“ Ashraf wants to talk about why it is important to vote.

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